Access to CCID (OATH, PIV, and OpenPGP)
Depending on the packages included with your distribution (or the configuration when installing), you may need to install the pcscd (or equivalent) package. It may also be necessary to install libccid (or equivalent).
Enabling FIDO support
Note: These steps are only necessary if your udev version is lower than 244 or your Linux distribution does not include the updated udev rules. If you do not know your udev version, you can check by running the following command in Terminal:
sudo udevadm --version
If your udev version is lower than 244, to set up your Linux system:
- Verify that libu2f-udev (or equivalent for your distribution) is installed on your system.
- On Debian and its derivatives (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.), check whether libu2f-udev is installed by running the following command in Terminal:
dpkg -s libu2f-udev
Install (if not already installed) by running the following command in Terminal:
sudo apt install libu2f-udev
- On Debian and its derivatives (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.), check whether libu2f-udev is installed by running the following command in Terminal:
- Go to and download or create a copy of the file named 70-u2f.rules into the Linux directory: /etc/udev/rules.d/. If this file is already there, ensure that the content looks like the one provided on (link above).
- Note: If your version of UDEV is lower than 188, use the rules at instead. If you do not know your udev version, you can check by running the following command in Terminal:
udevadm --version
- Note: If your version of UDEV is lower than 188, use the rules at instead. If you do not know your udev version, you can check by running the following command in Terminal:
- Save your file, and then reboot your system.