Using YubiKey Manager with high resolution displays in Windows

The scope of this article is to explain how you can configure the YubiKey Manager GUI to respond to the Windows Scale setting, in order to make it easier to read the interface on a high pixel density (AKA high DPI) display, which includes most 4K monitors and TVs.


The YubiKey Manager uses the Qt framework for its Graphical User Interface. This means that some of the aspects of the GUI can be controlled by parameter changes that are specific to the Qt framework, one of which is the ability to scale with high DPI display settings.


Note: This setting is dependent on the version of YubiKey Manager, as the application may also be compiled with an updated version of the Qt framework. For optimal results, install the newest available version of YubiKey Manager.


  1. From the Windows Start menu, open Settings > System > About > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables…
  2. Under the System variables table, click New…
  3. Add the following input into the fields
  • Variable value: 1
  • Click OK.
  • Verify that the new system variable was added to the list, and then close any windows you opened while following this article.
  • Open YubiKey Manager and confirm the application now reflects the Windows UI scaling settings. For example, change the Windows UI scaling (Start menu > Settings > System > Display > Scale) to a different value and confirm the text and UI elements are noticeably larger or smaller, depending on the change made. 
  • Change the UI scaling settings back to your desired percentage.