If you are receiving the error message "Error in YubiKey Communication" when using the Yubico Authenticator for Android, then the following troubleshooting steps may help you in resolving this issue.
- Reinstall the Yubico Authenticator
- Check your phone's make/model information to confirm the NFC reader location. Once found, try holding the YubiKey in this area for up to 5 seconds. This is the most common cause for this error message if the YubiKey is not being held at the right angle or for long enough.
- Check if any credentials have been added to the Yubico Authenticator. If no credentials or accounts have been added, try adding one using our demo website (https://demo.yubico.com/playground). If you are having trouble on your mobile device, please try adding an account on the desktop version of the Yubico Authenticator (https://www.yubico.com/products/yubico-authenticator/).
- You can try disabling OpenPGP and PIV over NFC in the YubiKey Manger under the Interfaces Tab (with your YubiKey plugged in).
- There may have been a chance that an account/service you added was corrupted. If this is the case, you can delete the most recently added account. To do this, install ykman (https://docs.yubico.com/software/yubikey/tools/ykman/Install_ykman.html) and run the following commands to list the OATH credentials and delete the most recent one.
Use the first one to list the account credentials:
ykman oath accounts list
Then try deleting the credential that was added most recently to your YubiKey. The general syntax for this is:
ykman oath accounts delete <query>
**This error message can occur if you do not have any OATH accounts added to the YubiKey.
If you are still having trouble, please open a support ticket here (https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) and submit the following information:
- Run a full scan in the NFC TagInfo by NXP app (available on the Google Play Store the iOS App Store) and submit the result of the scan in your ticket.